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Ebook: IT Monitoring has superpowers… and so do you

Blog Ebook: IT Monitoring has superpowers… and so do you

While IT monitoring originates as far back as IT itself does, for a long time its scope was limited to technical monitoring and to Production and Infrastructure teams. However, with business and IT being inevitably linked in this digital age, this has led IT monitoring to extend its scope to business-oriented indicators. With functions such as service mapping, graphical views: maps, cockpits, dashboards and analytical reports, monitoring has evolved and turned into an essential performance management and communication tool for I&O. 

An ever-evolving IT environment focused on a single goal: creating value for the business

Legacy, cloud and edge applications and infrastructure are intertwined within an ever-evolving IT environment focused on a single goal: creating value for the business. IT excellence has become the new driver of organizational performance and is now based on super-powered “Smart Monitoring” able to monitor everything from end to end while being agile, standardized, business-oriented and continuously smarter. 

From old-fashioned monitoring to smart monitoring: the 360° turn of IT monitoring

Twenty years ago, I&O had no choice but to automate their processes to meet user demand and to compensate for the shortage of resources. Back then, monitoring was an infrastructure management tool used to monitor the IT system components and check their availability. It would collect information in order to pinpoint and resolve failures as quickly as possible. 

IT monitoring, a new support for business performance

With the digital revolution permanently linking IT and business, the role of monitoring has been broadened to include a new objective:  supporting the company’s activity and its overall performance. Its role has evolved, and so have the indicators required for IT performance.

“Measurement of availability is a poor indicator of IT’s effectiveness in a digital era.”
Gartner “Monitoring Beyond 2020: Focus on Performance”.

I&Os and ITOps teams must constantly integrate new applications, new perimeters and new infrastructure models, and their operational excellence must be ensured in an ever-changing IT environment. Monitoring can no longer make do with merely observing. It should enable ITOps to meet the challenges of modern, dynamic IT while:

  • Providing an overall, real-time vision of IT. 
  • Playing a part in the overall performance of the company.
  • Providing better service to users and customers.
  • Increasing agility and reactivity.

Monitoring has become “Smart”, enabling IT performance with an impact on every function in a company. 

“Our foundation makes it a point of honor to guarantee the efficiency of donations and real transparency around its work. That is why IT must be able to trace business line processes and provide appropriate information during the various checks to which it is subject, be they internal through the auditors or external through the Controller and Auditor General.” – Sébastien Bernard, IT Operations Manager, Fondation de France.

Read the full story and learn how Centreon’s IT monitoring solution helps Fondation de France achieve its goal of efficiency, traceability and transparency.

By automating data collection and increasing the volume of data collected, “Smart Monitoring” provides a comprehensive view of the IT environment. Having visibility is all the more important as the future of IT lies in hybrid models. Cloud and Edge Computing should be mastered (and managed) by the company. 

ITOps are the keepers of IT performance and more broadly, of the overall performance of organizations. Business excellence is now based on super-powered “Smart Monitoring” able to monitor everything from end to end while being business oriented. Functions such as service mapping, graphical views (maps, cockpits, dashboards) and analytical reports, turn IT Monitoring into an essential performance management and communication tool for I&O.

To learn more about every superpower provided by the Centreon monitoring platform, download our guide “your monitoring tool has superpowers… and so do you” now. 


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